
Vous cherchez une solution simple pour dynamiser vos ressources humaines ?

En suivant un coaching individuel personnalisé,
vos salariés bénéficient des conditions mentales optimales
pour s'épanouir dans leurs vies personnelles et professionnelles.

Expérimentez une action de QVT simple pour des résultats performants sur le long terme !


Une solution innovante
pour gagner une longueur d'avance


Concret et


Digital et pratique


Bienveillant et désintéressé




libre et

Et si vous proposiez à vos
salariés de prendre soin d'eux ?

Salariés transformés

Imaginez des salariés mieux dans
leurs baskets, mis en action,
prêts à progresser, dotés d’une
plus grande capacité d’initiative.

Climat social positif

Imaginez un climat social
favorable et durable
un attachement naturel à votre
société qui se développe.

Politique QVT efficace

Imaginez une nouvelle action QVT, une
marque employeur reconnue, une image
d'entreprise engagée qui bénéficie du cercle
vertueux du coaching.

Un fonctionnement simplifié
pour mieux en profiter


Un coaching orienté

Le coaching individuel
donne accès à une meilleure connaissance de soi, renforce le sens de responsabilité, et permet de réussir de façon durable.


Nos coachs sont certifiés RNCP de niveau 5 minimum. Notre processus de sélection se base sur des entretiens qui valident le niveau de professionnalisme et la capacité d’accompagner efficace – ment vers des objectifs définis.

<Group>Etc.Cesser deprocrastinerMieux gérerson stressApprendreà s’affirmerAncrerde nouvelleshabitudesSavoir prendreune décisionimportanteDévelopperson intelligencerelationnelleDévelopperson intelligenceadaptativeCombattrela chargementaleMieux gérerson tempsGérerles conflitsTrouverdu sens

Humaniser l’entreprise,
démocratiser le coaching

Le monde du travail est en pleine mutation.
Le droit à l’épanouissement et au développement personnel est au coeur des réussites de demain.

Hugo s’adapte aux besoins d’aujourd’hui avec un outil de QVT qui permet de valoriser les salariés.

Autonomie, responsabilité et confidentialité sont nos fondamentaux.

Nous souhaitons participer à la démocratisation du coaching au profit de l’expression des potentiels.


Envoyez un signal fort à vos salariés
Renforcez votre culture d’entreprise

FAQ - Toutes les réponses à vos questions !

What does the coaching you offer consist of?
We offer remote coaching for your employees, focused on their personal goals.

Is it possible to benefit from face-to-face coaching?
Our coaching is all carried out remotely in order to offer the widest availability and the widest time slot to your employees.

Do you offer coaching tailored to management teams?
At Hugo, it is the employees, whether they are managers or not, who decide on their objectives. We therefore do not offer a specific formula for managers, but it is possible that the coaching will be focused on performance (motivation, taking up a position, stress management, etc.) if that is what your employee wants.

Is it possible to coach an entire team?
Our coaching is all focused on the individual: we therefore do not offer team coaching. However, the more people you have individually supported by a coach, the more the effects will be felt at the group level.

Is it possible to test the solution?
You have the possibility of opening a company account which will allow you to visit the Hugo platform and which will notably give you access to the coaches’ files. Only the “I make an appointment” function will be deactivated.

How does a coachee see themselves assigned a coach?
At Hugo, there is no automatic algorithm that assigns a coach to a user: it is your employee who chooses the one who interests them from the list of our coaches. He is helped in this by a presentation sheet which details the coach’s preferences. Furthermore, the first interview is always free!

Is it possible to only offer the solution to certain identified employees?
The solution must be deployed at the unit or department level. We imagined Hugo as a “virtual mental gym” for all your company’s employees. They are the ones who decide to open the door to the room… or not.

What is your pricing system?
We operate with a virtual “ticket” system. You tell us the number of tickets you want to make available to your employees. The ticket price is fixed.

What is included in the ticket?
A ticket includes unlimited access to our platform and coach files, the possibility of having a free discovery interview with the coach of your choice, and a complete coaching process of a maximum of 11 years.

Who are the coaches present on the HuGo platform?
Hugo coaches are all independents whom we have selected on the basis of objective criteria (RNCP 5 certification minimum after interview. They are professionals in full mastery of their art and who have all adhered to our “Charter of good customer relations practices”, to guarantee you the best experience.

What does the coaching you offer consist of?
We offer remote coaching for your employees, focused on their personal goals.

Is it possible to benefit from face-to-face coaching?
Our coaching is all carried out remotely in order to offer the widest availability and the widest time slot to your employees.

Do you offer coaching tailored to management teams?
At Hugo, it is the employees, whether they are managers or not, who decide on their objectives. We therefore do not offer a specific formula for managers, but it is possible that the coaching will be focused on performance (motivation, taking up a position, stress management, etc.) if that is what your employee wants.

Is it possible to coach an entire team?
Our coaching is all focused on the individual: we therefore do not offer team coaching. However, the more people you have individually supported by a coach, the more the effects will be felt at the group level.

Is it possible to test the solution?
You have the possibility of opening a company account which will allow you to visit the Hugo platform and which will notably give you access to the coaches’ files. Only the “I make an appointment” function will be deactivated.

How does a coachee see themselves assigned a coach?
At Hugo, there is no automatic algorithm that assigns a coach to a user: it is your employee who chooses the one who interests them from the list of our coaches. He is helped in this by a presentation sheet which details the coach’s preferences. Furthermore, the first interview is always free!

Is it possible to only offer the solution to certain identified employees?
The solution must be deployed at the unit or department level. We imagined Hugo as a “virtual mental gym” for all your company’s employees. They are the ones who decide to open the door to the room… or not.

What is your pricing system?
We operate with a virtual “ticket” system. You tell us the number of tickets you want to make available to your employees. The ticket price is fixed.

What is included in the ticket?
A ticket includes unlimited access to our platform and coach files, the possibility of having a free discovery interview with the coach of your choice, and a complete coaching process of a maximum of 11 years.

Who are the coaches present on the HuGo platform?
Hugo coaches are all independents whom we have selected on the basis of objective criteria (RNCP 5 certification minimum after interview. They are professionals in full mastery of their art and who have all adhered to our “Charter of good customer relations practices”, to guarantee you the best experience.